Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Outside Playing with the Snatch

July 17, 2013

First day playing with my new circus bell and getting some good hops out of it. Fun stuff. The globes are so big though if you attempt to stop the rotation by putting your finger on one you quickly imbalance it. The only way to do assisted lifts is right at the handle.

I'm also going to be in poo-poo as I busted up some of the landscaping tiles under my lifting matt outside during the snatches. I'll have to get at building a proper platform.....then fix my damage.

Shoulders were a bit niggly so I didn't push them to far and it began to rain as I was doing the pulls so I cleaned up and came inside.

1a) Hip Hinge Snatches
45 x 2 x 5r
95 x 3
135 x 3 x 3r - Each set felt significantly stronger but the shoulders were going and my footing was getting really uneven.

1b) Circus Bell
165# x Hops x 2 x 3r
Assisted lifts and negs x 3r

2) DeFranco Shoulder Shocker
25/5 x 3 x 10r

3) Band Pull-Aparts
Mini x 3 x 50r

Before Supper

Sumo Deadlifts - Really work on just using hams and glutes
225 x 2 x 5r
275 x 3
345 x 3 x 8r

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