Saturday, January 21, 2012

Whatever Day: Pulling Stuff

January 21, 2012 - 2ish

1a) DO Axle Pulls - Sumo
143 x 5
213 x 3, 3
273 x 1
283 x 1
293 x 1, 1, 1, 1

1b) Rack Pulls plus a shrug at the top of each rep - Pin 1 - 7" Lift
315 x 5
405 x 3
495 x 3, 3, 3, 3
545 x 2

1bb) DB Rows - No humping, straps, etc.
147 x 8, 8

Decided to try on my singlet today for my workout for the first time......weird.

I think dropping down to pin 1 on the rack pulls is going to have better carryover to my regular pulls. It equates to a 7" lift and feels like it's right around where my sticking point is. The 495 reps were also feeling much tougher than they should've. Prior to the 3rd set I put some talc on my thighs and that made one helluva difference! The weight flew up.

I thought it was the talc but as I'm writing this maybe not; my thumb-pads are super smooth right now. It was making it difficult on my last two axle sets. I even went and washed my hands and reapplied chalk but it seems that I've just wore the texture right off.

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