Friday, June 24, 2011

Anybody read this?

Just wondering if anyone bothers reading this journal? If not I'll just continue to keep it up elsewhere like on the forums I frequent.

Reply if you're interested in me keeping up this blogger site.




  1. Jason, keep going mate! I read almost all your posts and enjoy doing so.
    Cheers Rob

  2. You know it bro :) keep it up!

  3. I read everything you write Jason. Hope you keep it up man. I was thinking the same thing about my blog recently. Takes a while to keep it updated.

  4. Jason and all who keep blogs: I think it is worth keeping blogs going long-term. Just look at the entire body of work you've accumulated and remember how much you enjoyed finding grip blogs and reading the posts when you were first discovering the sport. The fact that someone's interest might be sparked is enough to keep me posting at least occasionally during the times when I feel I'm just talking to myself. I tend to visit blogs monthly or quarterly and enjoy seeing you and others progress. Abandoned grip blogs make me feel sad.
